G | rammar of Missale Romanum 1962 (GMR) |
Pius XII, Mediator Dei §105, 1947
Input | Transformation | Output |
gmr.xml | ||
gmr.xsl | Conventional polyglot Ordo Missæ with grammatical information (HTML) | |
table.xsl | A simpler table of Latin words from the Order of the Mass with grammatical information (HTML) | |
list.pl | A list of Latin words from the Order of the Mass, with word counts (HTML) | |
tr.pl | A rough-&-ready dictionary (plain text) | |
XSL-FO (e.g., Apache FOP) | a Dictionary and Grammar of Ordinary of Mass, Extraordinary Form (PDF) | |
collecta.xml | collecta.xsl | Collects word list |
praefationes.xml | praefationes.xsl | Prefaces word list |
Color in lieu of sentence diagram | Introíbo |
ad |
altáre |
Dei |
WORDS grammar, visible when pointing device pauses at beginning of a word | VT 4 FUT IND ACTIVE 1 S introeo introire | PREP ACC | N 3 ACC S N altare altaris | N 2 GEN S M Deus Dei |
Literal translation, including sense conveyed by Latin case, tense, voice, &c | I will go into | to, toward, unto | [unto] the high altar | [of] God |