G rammar of Missale Romanum 1962 (GMR) SourceForge.net Logo

Therefore, they are to be praised who, with the idea of getting the Christian people to take part more easily and more fruitfully in the Mass, strive to make them familiar with the "Roman Missal," so that the faithful, united with the priest, may pray together in the very words and sentiments of the Church.

Pius XII, Mediator Dei §105, 1947


GMR@SF.net is a Latin-to-English translation of the Traditional Latin Mass with grammatical information from William Whitaker's WORDS. Scripts are included to create HTML, PDF and plain text renditions. Download files from sf.net.

About GMR

  1. GMR contains a word-for-word, term-by-term Latin-to-English word mapping of the Traditional Latin Mass with grammatical information included. A few observations:
    1. This information is meant to help people who, like me, are learning the Latin of the traditional Mass. There's nothing new here. It's essentially a Latin student's translation exercise; homework answers.
      1. It's more like a Latin-to-English word mapping than a translation because the English side, while informative, is not fluent or proper English at all.
      2. The goal is not to produce fluent English; that has already been done in the polyglot Missals.
      3. Rather, the paradoxical goal is to use these odd-looking English-like constructions to learn to read Latin without translating.
      4. Like sentence diagrams, it uses visual cues to guide understanding. See below.
      5. Compare interlinear translations. See, e.g., Rick Kephart's Interlinear Translation. See also Robert Bridson's word-for-word translation.
      6. I think my mapping approach goes beyond Father Z's slavishly literal translations. (Cf., for example, this.)
    2. I started with the plain text version of the Mass at Una Voce America. But, being a computer programmer by trade, I knew that file had to be converted to a structured data file, XML. Having converted the data to an XML representation of the Traditional Latin Mass, the presentation possibilities are endless.
    3. Specifically, a single XML representation of the Traditional Latin Mass, can be passed through various XSLT transformations or scripts to get different output files. Some examples:

      gmr.xsl Conventional polyglot Ordo Missæ with grammatical information (HTML)
      table.xsl A simpler table of Latin words from the Order of the Mass with grammatical information (HTML)
      list.pl A list of Latin words from the Order of the Mass, with word counts (HTML)
      tr.pl A rough-&-ready dictionary (plain text)
      XSL-FO (e.g., Apache FOP) a Dictionary and Grammar of Ordinary of Mass, Extraordinary Form (PDF)
      collecta.xml collecta.xsl Collects word list
      praefationes.xml praefationes.xsl Prefaces word list

    4. Originally, I wanted to diagram all the sentences. Ultimately, I guess that should be done using SVG. In the meantime, instead of sentence diagrams, I use colors to indicate case and sentence structure ( NOM, VOC, ACC, ABL, GEN, DAT, V, VT ).
    5. Also, along the same lines, my translation of each term includes the sense conveyed by the grammatical case, &c. Hence, for example,

      Color in lieu of sentence diagram
      WORDS grammar, visible when pointing device pauses at beginning of a word VT 4 FUT IND ACTIVE 1 S introeo introire PREP ACC N 3 ACC S N altare altaris N 2 GEN S M Deus Dei
      Literal translation, including sense conveyed by Latin case, tense, voice, &c I will go into to, toward, unto [unto] the high altar [of] God

    6. I'm using William Whitaker's WORDS to do most of the real work, viz. analyze the grammar of each Latin term. A thousand thanks to him. (Move your pointing device over the colorful Latin words to see grammatical information from William Whitaker's WORDS program. Caution: sometimes browsers take a few seconds to get all the grammar info loaded, even after the page is rendered.) It's important to note: For most terms WORDS suggests several possibilities. I have chosen one based on context. Any errors are mine alone, & I would be glad to be corrected (arthur . drury at g mail dot NO SPAM com).
    7. A short list of software credits:
      1. Sourceforge.net
      2. Gentoo Linux
      3. Vim
      4. William Whitaker's WORDS
      5. XSLT C Library for GNOME
      6. Apache FOP
    8. I made use of Saints in the Roman Canon by Rev. Nicholas Gihr
    9. Thanks especially to the good folks at St. Joe's in Troy, NY, and everyone else who kept the Mass alive for so many years.
  2. Other Latin study resources
    1. Notes on Gaius Julius Caesar
    2. Download MP3 of Mass from Latin Mass Society of Ireland
    3. Latin language resources at Una Voce
    4. Latin Mass resources at SanctaMissa.org
    5. Latin Mass resources at EWTN
    6. Here's some advice that I have followed to my profit: Latin by the Dowling Method

Scripture Readings from the Traditional Latin Mass

  1. Scripture readings from the Traditional Latin Mass
  2. Lectionary Central
  3. Lectionary of Pope St. Pius V
  4. Liturgical Readings Prior to Second Vatican Council

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